Clinton crime family

2015 days ago

The arrogance of Apple boss Tim Cook – God will not be amused, surely eternity with Hillary Clinton beckons

Apple boss Tim Cook has won massive applause from legions of Godless liberals. The sort of folks already working out how they will celebrate happy holidays around December 25th in a way that offends no-one of religion bar Christians, love the billionaire for suggesting that the Almighty does actually exist. How is this possible? Simple Cook has proclaimed in his latest sermon on the mount that the Greatest Gift God gave him was making him gay. Where to start?


2026 days ago

A new take on #MeToo – Hillary Clinton gives CEOs a green light to fuck the entire intern pool

Well it is either that or Crooked Hillary is lining up the biggest double standard in the history of the Democrat party and that takes some doing. I refer of course to her husband, the serial sexual predator Bill Clinton and the intern with whom he had sex in the Oval Office of the White House, Ms Monica Lewinsky.
